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The Obligatory Zakat ul-Fitr

As Ramadan comes to an end, minds will turn to Eid ul-Fitr celebrations. While the global pandemic may limit this year's festivities, many people will always expect to spend this special time with their loved ones. We are obligated to share with others who are less fortunate, in addition to our loved ones. All Muslims who is able to do so is required to offer Zakat ul Fitr before the Eid prayers.

Eid-ul-Fitr is a time for family and friends to come together

Any Muslim who is self-sufficient and has food in excess of their needs must pay Zakat ul-Fitr, also known as Fitrah or Sadaqat-ul-Fitr. A head of household, for example, may make a payment on behalf of their pre-pubescent children or other immediate family members. It is not to be confused with Zakat ul-Mal, Islam's third pillar. Fitrah's purpose is to feed the hungry and those in need, allowing them to participate in the joys and festivities as well.

The Time for Giving

Before Eid prayers, the Prophet (PBUH) said one Sa' of dates or barley had to be paid as Fitrah (Hadith). It is considered Sadaqa if it is granted after that point. Scholars usually accept that one Sa' weighed between 2.5 and 3.5 kilogrammes. Fitrah is now fixed at a set rate, normally $12 per user. We feed tens of thousands of the world's poorest people so they can share in your Eid blessings. Send your Fitrah as soon as possible.


What's happened so far

In Ramadan 2020, we distributed family food packs in 11 countries, providing food security during the month for over 138,000 beneficiaries.

138k People helped
11 Countries
5k Volunteers this year

Please note

Disclaimer: By donating, you give us permission to use your donations as necessary to deliver this project. This may mean using funds donated for one item to buy another item, or in the country or area of most need rather than the one you might have selected. We will only do this if it is in the best interest of the beneficiaries.

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